About The Birth Uprising

Jade and Alix about The Birth Uprising Hypnobirthing

The Birth Uprising (TBU) is no bull, no fluff, no nonsense Hypnobirthing education. Run by Jade and Alix, with a friendship that goes back over 17 years and 6 kids between them, they are self-confessed birth geeks and are on a mission to cut through all the birthing bull and make Hypnobirthing accessible to everyone.  They are passionate about empowering expectant parents with the tools & knowledge they need to have their baby their way. Over the past 5 years they have trained over 150 hypnobirthing instructors across the UK and educated thousands of expectant parents through their in-person courses and online digital hypnobirthing pack. The digital pack is currently available in the UK and US.

Tattooed woman smiling affordable free hypnobirthing

Birth Expert

Hypnobirthing Instructor 


Hypnobirthing Practitioner Trainer

Baby Massage

Mindful Breastfeeding

Reflux & Baby Allergies

  • I’m Jade! Mother of 3. Im married to an amazing man who equally entertains me and bores me 😂 (he loves a long story)
  • I grew up in Northampton and moved to London in my early twenties (I miss it!) and returned to the shire after the birth of my 1st.
  • Becoming a mother was the single greatest thing that ever happened to me. Even through the postnatal depression, it shaped me and made me the person I am. I will forever be thankful to my first born for what he taught me.
  • Once an emo always an emo.
  • I’ve had 2 births that on paper look so similar but felt so different all due to hypnobirthing and feeling in control and a 3rd birth that’s a little more complicated but so empowering!
  • I use to get in trouble at school for talking too much, now my job is talking to people and I’m fucking good at my job!
Blonde woman lookng to the side free hypnobirthing

Birth Expert

Hypnobirthing Instructor


Hypnobirthing Practitioner Trainer

Holistic Sleep 

Positive Birth After Caesarean 

  • I am Alix, mother of three feral kids. They run me ragged but I absolutely love being their mama!
  • I have a husband who I’ve been with for bloody years! When our genes come together we make the most incredible, funny and cute children!
  • I was born in Scotland, moved to America when I was 10 and then to Northampton England afterwards, which is where Ive stayed.
  • I’m lacking in concentration and definitely in the lazy category but if I say I’ll do something, I will get it done. Not THAT late. After only a few prompts.
  • I love knowing stuff, usually very niche stuff that leaves me helpless in a game of Trivial Pursuit! I became a nerd during my first pregnancy and that has continued into being my job!
  • I read (usually birth related) non fiction at a rate of around half a page a day thanks two the little turds I live with! Audiobooks and podcasts help me to get new info whilst I go from A to B.

More about The Birth Uprising..

We’re Jade & Alix AKA ‘Jalix’ and we’re on a mission to cut through all the Birthing BS and make Hypnobirthing accessible to EVERYONE. We expect you’ve already conjured up this idea of what hypnobirthing looks like, and it might not sound like it’s for you, but you’re mistaken – in fact we were too at the beginning of this journey.  

We often get asked how we met and why we started The Birth Uprising. So hold onto your seats folks, you’re in for a bumpy ride… 

We met at the tender age of 15, we certainly did not envision our futures would become so intertwined. We were like all 15 year old emos, rocking it on MySpace and MSN, with fringes bigger than we knew what to do with! 

Fast forward 6 years to a swimming pool in Northampton. Turns out, we were both up the duff with our 2nd babies due one month apart. 

Our chats of the good old days of MySpace & MSN quickly turned into chats about birth, babies and boobs (pretty much all we still talk about now) and realised we both had a shared passion for Hypnobirthing (Small world, right?)

Before we re-connected, we’d both had our 1st babies and been introduced to the idea of Hypnobirthing – but had been completely put off by all of those thoughts, the same thoughts we’re sure are running through your head right now…like imagining our V’s opening up like flowers and the baby drifting out and all that airy fairy crap. 

But we took a Hypnobirthing course before our 2nd births, and realised that…

Hypnobirthing is pretty epic – it’s just got a shit name. 

Hypnobirthing is evidence-based science. It gives you all the knowledge you need to make your birth positive – no matter what that looks like.

It’s funny because in our society we’re all control freaks – we pretty much like to control EVERYTHING with plans, spreadsheets and shit, but when it comes to birth you can feel like you’ve got no control over it and just to ‘go with the flow’ – well that’s crap, because you do have control. 

You CAN put things in place to make you feel in control of your body.

You CAN put things in place to make you feel in control of the situations and what’s happening around you.

You CAN feel empowered to have a positive birth.

We’re not going to tell you HOW to have your baby, we’re going to give you the tools & knowledge you need to have your baby YOUR way. 

It’s not even just about the birth, because when Jade had her first baby, she really didn’t feel like she had a f**king clue about how babies REALLY act – we’re not talking about how they act on Instagram! She also had Postnatal depression, which is another reason why we’re passionate about sharing postnatal information too. 

We’re going to be REAL with you, we’re not going to be giving you BS. We’re focused on sharing evidence-based facts, so you feel informed to make the right decisions for you. This stuff SHOULD be accessible to everyone (and we’re making it our mission to make it accessible for all)

We want you to walk away from your birth feeling respected, that you’ve had time taken to explain things to you, you’ve understood your options, you felt like you were a BIG part of your birth and ultimately it was positive. Well, that’s job done for us – that’s why we’re here. 

In fact we’ve now taught 1000s of expectant parents and birthing partners about Hypnobirthing, and we’ve taught over 100 badass folk how to teach hypnobirthing so we can spread our passion far and wide. 

And the feedback is epic. We’re often overwhelmed by the love people share with us when they’ve finished their course – whether that’s in person or online.

The feedback we get from followers, birthing people and birthing partners is that they feel more confident, informed and empowered after working with us. They’re clearer on their choices and rights, and feel like many concerns have disappeared – and ultimately that hypnobirthing isn’t ‘airy fairy’ and is straight to the point. [TRUTH BOMB RIGHT THERE] 💣

When we’re not in Birth Uprising HQ, you’ll hear us being called by our other name ‘Mummy’ to our kids, cleaning up all those shit stains, doing the schools run etc – pretty normal stuff! You’ll also see us hanging out over on Instagram, Facebook and on our Youtube Channel where we share videos including sciency bits, as well as practical advice. 

We’re now on a mission to share everything we’ve learnt with you so that you can step into your birth (and beyond) feeling empowered, and ready to absolutely boss it! 

Want to get to know more about the birth uprising?

You can do that by listening to our podcast , checking us out on YouTube or head over to our Instagram.