I’m Sally (@doulaslingsally) owner of Solent Parenting. I’m a Doula UK Recognised Birth & Postnatal Doula, TBU Hypnobirthing Instructor, Sling Consultant & Lactation Supporter.
I’m passionate about informed choice & access to support. I love building strong relationships with clients so that I am able to support them physically, emotionally, practically & informationally to achieve the right births for them & a positive transition to parenthood.
This could be in a variety of ways from booking a place on a group one day or 4-week hypnobirthing course, privately for 1-2-1 hypnobirthing instruction, for a short course in getting informed to write a Birth &/or Postnatal Plan, or as your Doula – with or without hypnobirthing! My aim is to support you in becoming informed & empowered to make the right decisions for you, your birth & your baby, whether you are first time or more experienced parents.
I also have several Volunteer roles within the birth world; as a Breastfeeding Network Peer Supporter locally & for the National Breastfeeding Helpline, as the Sling Consultant in charge of Fareham Slingmeet, as Co-Chair of a local grass-roots community group called Informed Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond & with the local Maternity Voices Partnership.
If you’d like to know more about what doulas do or how hypnobirthing can help you prepare for labour & birth, book me as your doula or for a Mother Blessing, Hypnobirthing course, or need help or support with a sling, writing your Birth Preferences or Plan, writing a Postnatal Plan, Infant Feeding support, etc… then please get in touch.
I’m happy to discuss your individual needs & how the support of a Doula &/or Hypnobirthing could help YOU!
I am mostly commonly contacted to engage my services from 20+weeks pregnant – but it is never too early or too late, so please don’t let your stage of pregnancy stop you from getting in touch.