I was terrified of birth and felt thought pregnant people looked like a ticking time bomb, counting down to this awful inevitable event.
So if you had told twenty-something me that I would be getting people not just ready, but actually rather excited for their birth from my own purpose built yoga studio, I would have been more than a little bit surprised!
I’m a yoga teacher, a hypnobirthing teacher and self confessed pregnancy and birth geek. I’m also a mother of two children, wife of one husband and lover of guinea pigs, wine and lounge-wear (in no particular order).
I’m a fairly practical, straight talking sort of person; my classes are relaxed, fun and informative. I really love that my classes are the springboard for friendship groups that are really long lasting and supportive.
I am the youngest of 3 and a child of the ’80’s so I heard all about my mum’s births: routine shaving, enemas and episiotomies. No wonder I thought birth was something to be afraid of!
Sadly, when it came to my first birth, although one person did tell me how amazing hypnobirthing was, I just assumed that a terrible first birth was just something we all had to go through and dismissed it as something that was a bit hippy sounding that my husband would probably hate. Something that I lived to regret!Â
I didn’t make that mistake in my second birth and seeing first hand just how powerful Hypnobirthing could be led me on to qualify to teach.Â
So in 2020 I ditched the corporate job, and made yoga and hypnobirthing my full time ‘thing’.Â
SO here I am now, teacher of pregnancy and post-natal yoga and hypnobirthing, and since January 2023; dedicated studio owner – phew!
A bit of a turnaround from that twenty-something person, eh?