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Badass Birth After Caesarean

To VBAC or not to VBAC that is the question?!

pssst and we've got the answer....

We have created a course, especially for those birthing after a previous Caesarean.

We created the course, because over the years we have helped countless parents to prepare for birth after Caesarean.

Whether you are planning to birth vaginally (VBAC) and need cheerleading, stats and encouragement, whether you want to have a repeat Caesarean and want to have the Caesarean that YOU’VE chosen this time, or perhaps you haven’t made your decision yet, and you want all the facts before you decide what’s right for you.

Whoever you are we’ve got you covered with this course. This can be a standalone course or used as an addition to our Digital Pack discounts available for those who have already purchased the digital pack and a bundle price available for those investing in both!


Who’s it for?

This is a course suitable for a wide range of people

  • People who have given birth via caesarean and who wish to become pregnant again in the future.
  • People who have given birth via caesarean who are currently pregnant and planning a VBAC.
  • People who have had a previous caesarean and are wanting a repeat caesarean.
  • People who work with or support those who are birthing after a previous caesarean.

What does the course cover?

This course contains information on:

  • The reality of our concept of risk.
  • The evidence based for our guidelines
  • Your birth rights when pregnant after caesarean birth.
  • The stats around Uterine Rupture
  • Common reasons VBAC is advised against.
  • Choices for repeat caesarean.
  • Things to consider for VBAC.
  • Special circumstances such as High BMI, Twin pregnancy, Advanced Maternal age, big babies and MORE!

"You both allowed me to have 2 VBACS after a traumatic caesarean, so thank you both"' Alex, Mum of 3.

To VBAC or not to VBAC?

You don’t have to be planning a VBAC to get a great deal from this course.

The course will take you through your options and the stats around things commonly thought to make VBAC less likely or less safe.

We will bust some myths and help you feel empowered to make the decision that’s truly right for you and not one through fear.

You can get started on our Positive Birth After Caesarean Course (VBAC) today for £30.

This will give you immediate access for 18 months.