It has been a bloody pleasure to teach you!
I hope that you are all excited to give birth and that you’ve got the confidence now to make informed decisions for you and your family.
You know where we are if you need anything.
Here are a few things to remember:
Practice your breathing exercises:
Chilled out breathing – in for 4 out for 8
Wave Breathing – in for 7 out for 7
Birth breathing – in for 1 out for 8 with a humm
Listen to your hypnosis and relaxation tracks daily
Take time EVERYDAY to sit down and practise relaxing (anchors will help in labour! Smell & Sounds are fab ones for labour)
Ask people telling you negative stories to stop
Your body was built for this
Surround yourself with positive birth input
Do your 3 birth plans.
Take your booklet to the hospital with you! Its got so many important bits in there you’ll find it helpful! ( BRAIN, things to remember in labour etc)
Keep getting informed, keep learning.
Here is our recommended reading list again for both birth & breastfeeding (you’ll find the extended version in your handbook) for you:
Informed is Best: Dr Amy Brown
Anything from the ‘why it matters’ series: Pinter & Martin
Men, love & Birth: Mark Harris
The First forty days: Heng Ou
The womanly art of breastfeeding: La Leche League International
The positive breastfeeding book: Dr Amy Brown
The Birth Partner: Penny Simkin
Vitamin K & The Newborn: Dr Sarah Wickham
Inducing labour: Dr Sarah Wickham
Whats right for me: Dr Sarah Wickham
Please keep in touch! Let us know when you have those beautiful babies!
Keep chatting! And keep being the kickass babes you are!!
Sending you lots of badass vibes
Jade & Alix
Here are some more resources for you to look at in your own time:
4th Trimester Planning
Amy Brown- Lets talk about the first year of parenting
Wonder Weeks app or book (the app is amazing)
Sophie Messager- Why Postnatal Recovery Matters
PLLLEASSSSE log in to the client area an watch the breastfeeding session xx
Don’t forget to login to the client login area. The password is in the dropbox link along with your mp3s.